A game that reflects on the possibilities of depression and anxiety that people may encounter in real life.
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Relapse: The Story
This game reflects the mental state of a human being, which is being developed through life. The challenge for the player is to keep the mental state positive so his lifespan will be the longest and experienced to the fullest. This is reflected by the player’s score. The player’s score is based on the combination of choices made.
As a player you are controlling a memory of someone’s life. This memory starts at the birth of the player and progresses along the lifespan of the memory. The game ends when the player dies. During the lifespan the player learns to differentiate between good and bad. This is visualised through objects, people and choices. Every choice the player makes creates an impact on his mental state.

NextUp Games was @ DevCom & GamesCom 2017

Roel Heesterbeek from NextUp Games has attended DevCom and GamesCom. Read more if you are interested to know how his first days as a Game Developer went!
We have shown our first game, Relapse, at Dutch Courage on August 19th. Dutch Courage is a showcase mixer for Dutch Developers and their friends. This informal mixer brings together gamers and game developers.